Emerson CR240BE 2.4 Cubic Foot Compact Single Door Refrigerator Review

Emerson CR240BE 2.4 Cu. ft. Compact Fridge

Emerson CR240BE 2.4 Cubic Foot Compact Single Door Fridge

Emerson CR240BE is a compact fridge with a 2.4 cubic feet capacity and a single door. It’s only been very recently released at Amazon.com- at the end of November 2018. It is a number one hot new release small fridge and there is a single rating of 5 stars by a customer on the day of this product review.

There is a roughly thirty percent discount at the moment and appears to be quite good value for money. It is basically designed for your snacks and beverages and includes a separate small chiller for your frozen treats as well. With the mechanical thermostat control dial you can adjust the interior temperature easily.

Black Emerson CR240BE weighs just under 40 pounds (39.7 lb. to be exact), is sleek and compact, has the measurements of 24.8 x 20.1 x 17.5 inches and a 2.4 cubic feet interior storage capacity which is not a lot, but plenty for cooling and storing your snacks and drinks. You have two shelves on the doors where you can put your beverage cans, bottles or other items. The door hinge is the reversible type and you can set it up easily to open from the left or the right.

It has the adjustable legs underneath that will help you level the fridge on uneven grounds. It can hold your small soda cans or large bottles easily on door shelves. You can fit it anywhere easily with its compact size and choose to open the door from the left or the right. You can use the little freezer when you want to cool certain items quickly. You can actually store things like frozen veggies, meat, ice cream, ice and other items in small amounts. So it is not just for your frozen treats.

Emerson CR240BE 2.4 Cubic Foot Compact Single Door Refrigerator

The Emerson Compact Fridge will let you organize your beverages and snacks on and below its two coated wire shelves that slide out easily. It is an impressive sleek and compact refrigerator that is compact in size but that can store quite a bit inside. This is an energy efficient compact unit you can use anywhere in your house, office or dorm room. And it will not add much to your energy bills and save you money all year.

It is shipped very well packaged securely in double boxing via Amazon.com and is protected well during the shipping without almost no chance of getting any damage. It gets down to the Coll temperatures you set it to very quickly. And the compressor doesn’t do much noise when it’s doing the cycles. It is easy on the eyes with a sleek and modern design and all black look. If you’re in the markets for a compact fridge for your snacks and beverages, then it is definitely worth checking out, especially with a low price tag.

Click here for a closer look at Amazon.com

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